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EVERYTHING with one man army noobtube and claymore camping DOES work and for new players its ok to give it a try but after prestiging several times do not keep doing it you should be good enough to not have to. I am guilty of one many army noob tube with danger close but sometimes it takes the fun out of it for everyone else so don't do it if you are not new, i myself dont do it anymore. From July 11th 2010 on i will be posting For more skilled players, not the people who get nukes and chopper gunners and ac-130's every match but i will be posting for people who get harriers but not often and would like to improve, if your not there yet then enter the chatroom and i can help.
1 on 1 challenges are no longer being accepted. Practice/goofing off and tutoring ARE being accepted at this time.
Click here to be taken to the modern warfare 2 chatroom There will be videos posted below the chat box.
(i will not be in the chat at unreasonable hours)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How to get claymores and tactical insertion (or any combination of equipment, perks and more)

Very simple, how can someone have both claymores and a tactical insertion? Or in any case, any combination of perks such as stopping power and danger close, or weapons like a sniper and an assault rifle. Well here is how, equip the 1st perk "One Man Army" on every class, no matter what class you switch to you can switch back at anytime and as many times as you want giving you unlimited ammo, unlimited claymores (can only lay 2 at a time) unlimited tactical insertions (only allowed 1 layed at a time) unlimited c4 (only can lay 2 at a time), and at any time you can switch from something with stopping power to cold blooded if the other team gets air support, or switch to danger close if someone is near by and goes to set off your claymore. One Man Army normal takes a long time to change class but once you level it up its only about 4 seconds and it is well worth it for unlimited grenade luncher ammo, changing perks and guns at anytime, the possibility's are near endless.


  1. So true, you turned me on to the power of "One Man Army", great blog. Thanks!!

  2. no problem, people underestimate one man army because it originally takes 7 to 8 seconds but as long as you stay near team mates and make it pro you have plenty of time to change class and it goes to like 4 seconds. and works well when your good enough to where you run out of ammo before dying and unlike scavenger you dont have to find a dead body and hope you didnt take the ammo yet and you can switch between primary weapons. its the best.
