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EVERYTHING with one man army noobtube and claymore camping DOES work and for new players its ok to give it a try but after prestiging several times do not keep doing it you should be good enough to not have to. I am guilty of one many army noob tube with danger close but sometimes it takes the fun out of it for everyone else so don't do it if you are not new, i myself dont do it anymore. From July 11th 2010 on i will be posting For more skilled players, not the people who get nukes and chopper gunners and ac-130's every match but i will be posting for people who get harriers but not often and would like to improve, if your not there yet then enter the chatroom and i can help.
1 on 1 challenges are no longer being accepted. Practice/goofing off and tutoring ARE being accepted at this time.
Click here to be taken to the modern warfare 2 chatroom There will be videos posted below the chat box.
(i will not be in the chat at unreasonable hours)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Gun assist chart.

I found this online, i did not make this, and im not taking credit for this, so for anyone who comes to me saying their going to sue for copyright, screw off because im not taking any credit for this heres the link i obtained the picture from
click it to enlarge.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Why some people dislike modern warfare 2.

I keep seeing people saying they hate modern warfare 2 and that modern warfare 1 is better, well they are completely wrong and heres why they "think" modern warfare 1 is better, and i'm not saying modern warfare 1 isn't good, in fact its a great game but some people prefer it way more then the 2nd one, heres the reasons why and responses to those reasons.

1.) Ive hers people say several times that modern warfare 1 is more "balanced" and that modern warfare 2 is to "noob friendly"
Well modern warfare 2 is easier for new players then modern warfare 1 because people who are not so good can use hardline and a 3,4,5 killstreak set up and get a couple of nice killstreaks, but at the same time the better players are going to use higher killstreaks like 7,9,11 or 5,6,7 or 5,7,9 or 5,7,11 etc and that makes the game more balanced then modern warfare 1, considering if some good player goes in and gets a 3 choppers in the first 2 min of the match the not so great player could do the same with care packages. In modern warfare 1 and yes i did this technique because it was very effective, earn a helicopter, kill yourself, hide and let your chopper earn you a uav and airstrike and use them and you have another chopper and die again and let that chopper do the same thing so if you get 1 chopper in a match you basically have unlimited. In modern warfare 2 you cant do that and if you could i would enter earn myself a couple of preditors and harriers and use them all at once for a quick easy nuke so modern warfare 2 is way more ballanced. Oh what about deathstreaks? If someone dies 3 times in a row their either being cheated, having an off match, or are not good at the game, no one is going to kill themselves for a deathstreak because thats just stupid so the deathstreaks make it more even, i still think one shot with the .50 cal should kill you no matter what but the game is still more balanced.

2.) Ive her people say "i played modern warfare 1 and would do great every match now im playing modern warfare 2 and i cant get any killstreaks"
Well most of those people have one of these issues.
1st they most likely are use to a uav, airstrike, helicopter and now their using something like harrier, pave low, chopper gunner which is a lot tougher to get
2nd they are probably playing the same tactics in modern warfare 1, first off people have unlimited claymores and tactical insertion so you cant just go the same way 5 times and hit the claymore 5 times there and expect not to hit another, or if someone trys to come after you you cant assume their spawning on the other side of the map, now theres thermal you cant assume if you cant see them they cant see you, and theres a whole lot of other differences like the maps are way different.
3rd not everyone has uav and you cant expect people to have uav sometimes youll play a full match and no uav because no one uses it, people sometimes relay on uav way to much.
4th your dead set on calling weapons and attachments for noobs because their "easy kills" yes you do bad in the game, if its in the game use it, i hate people using akimbo shotguns, that doesn't meen their cheating because its in the damn game, people use heartbeat sensor and know where you are and you call it for noobs yet you die more then the noobs, why dont you use it maybe you wont die so much?

3.) Someone has said that theres to many glitches, yes the only glitch i see often is the care package glitch other then that i rarely ever see glitching, feel free to use the glitch back at them nothing is stopping you? Or do what i do and join a different match, it just recently came out you cant expect no glitches on a games release.

4.) Some people have said cod4 has better maps.
Its not that the maps are "better" its that you have played them for so long your so use to them that new maps are hard to play on, yes i like the cod4 maps and i like the cod6 maps i do miss the maps from cod4 and wish i could play them in cod6 but i cant and i do miss overgrown, and crash, and a few other maps but cod6 has some really good maps to so they balance out, the maps in cod6 are just as good as cod4 that cant be an entire reason for picking cod4 over cod6 considering cod6 has custom killstreaks, deathstreaks, and more attachments and better perks.

Theres no reason to like cod4 better then modern warfare 2 other then you just for some odd reason cant change tactics and expect everything you do in the 1st one to work in the 2nd, its a new game you have to adapt back when pong and asteroids came out people were not complaining "oh their both games how come on pong i have to hit the dot and on asteroids im not allowed to" same concept just newer games, i don't know how else i can say it to you.