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EVERYTHING with one man army noobtube and claymore camping DOES work and for new players its ok to give it a try but after prestiging several times do not keep doing it you should be good enough to not have to. I am guilty of one many army noob tube with danger close but sometimes it takes the fun out of it for everyone else so don't do it if you are not new, i myself dont do it anymore. From July 11th 2010 on i will be posting For more skilled players, not the people who get nukes and chopper gunners and ac-130's every match but i will be posting for people who get harriers but not often and would like to improve, if your not there yet then enter the chatroom and i can help.
1 on 1 challenges are no longer being accepted. Practice/goofing off and tutoring ARE being accepted at this time.
Click here to be taken to the modern warfare 2 chatroom There will be videos posted below the chat box.
(i will not be in the chat at unreasonable hours)

Friday, July 16, 2010

The new recorder has arrived

I have been recording i'm currently in the process of duel commentary with Revflames, his site is located here.
These recordings are starting off to just show that were not random noobs looking to throw false tips out there and that we are in fact skilled players helping the less skilled.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Tired of lag? Sigh the petition.

For anyone experiencing a lag in any game, i found their is a petition going on to try and get Microsoft to build dedicated servers. Feel free to sign it yourself. If your wondering if i signed it i did, i was number 2120.

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Xbox recording hardware coming within a week!

I will be getting an HD-PVR and if you do not know what it is click here.
It will arrive sometime within 4 to 7 business days of July 1st, I will be recording matches with tips on how to play. I want to start off small and work up to bigger tactics. I will also be showing how to generally get any killstreak 11 and lower every match. I know its possible to get nukes almost every match but this site is ment for helping new players and less experienced players so we will start low with uav, counter uav, and predator.

their will be a delay, apparently they don't know how to read a few credit card numbers and wouldn't accept my calls for a few days.

(2nd update)
Estimated arrival time Monday July 12th 2010 it will be here soon to record