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EVERYTHING with one man army noobtube and claymore camping DOES work and for new players its ok to give it a try but after prestiging several times do not keep doing it you should be good enough to not have to. I am guilty of one many army noob tube with danger close but sometimes it takes the fun out of it for everyone else so don't do it if you are not new, i myself dont do it anymore. From July 11th 2010 on i will be posting For more skilled players, not the people who get nukes and chopper gunners and ac-130's every match but i will be posting for people who get harriers but not often and would like to improve, if your not there yet then enter the chatroom and i can help.
1 on 1 challenges are no longer being accepted. Practice/goofing off and tutoring ARE being accepted at this time.
Click here to be taken to the modern warfare 2 chatroom There will be videos posted below the chat box.
(i will not be in the chat at unreasonable hours)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Multiplayer Advanced players

Suggested after you have reached a high level such as 50+ and wish for kill streaks high enough to get chopper gunners, ac-130, and emp. the tactical nuke can be acquired using these strategy's but the nuke is difficult to get on a commonly so i suggest not trying. I do not have a run and gun tactic for advanced players because of the increased chance of dying. This is not "camping" this is being tactical, if you were in a war would you really run into the middle of combat? think about what your best chance of survival is and use it. Using this tactic i have more accolades for longest killstreak, highest kill death ratio, most kills, most kills/longest killstreak, fewest deaths, killed entire enemy team without dying,and longest life then almost everything else combined, keep in mind when you start a match late your likely to get something other then them. Good luck.

You will make the perk one man army your best friend as well as claymores and tactical insertion. By this time you should know what sum machine guns, snipers, assault rifles, etc that you like, just use the perks and attachments suggested. Sniper of your choice, with a heartbeat sensor, claymores, one man army, stopping power, ninja for your 1st class. Swap the heartbeat sensor for thermal scope and use smoke grenades for the special grenades, this is a good 2nd class. For your 3rd class use the same as class 2 except swap the 2nd perk to cold blooded, these sniper classes are a great combination for sniping, if the enemy gets a uav simply switch to the sniper with cold blooded for 30 seconds, if they have a thermal scope sniper use cold blooded, if an enemy killstreak is out then use cold blooded if none are an issue then use stopping power, lay 2 claymores to protect you in a safe area. For when people get near you, which is why you have the heartbeat sensor swap to class 4, 5, or 6, depending on how many classes you have which depends on your prestige you may have to drop a class, but chose wisely based on how you play. Class 6 you should have the weapon of your choice other then sniper and riot shield. use heartbeat if your stealth, FMJ or grenade luncher if your just protecting yourself, have claymores or tactical insertion, one man army, stopping power or danger close depending on if you used FMJ then use stopping power if you used grenade luncher use danger close, if you used heartbeat sensor it doesn't matter, make class 5 what ever you didn't make class 4. As for class 6 if you have it it is very convent use heartbeat sensor, cold blooded and ninja, for your special grenade use smoke and just use this for if you have been found and don't have time to lay claymores use the smoke and get out of there, stay low and behind cover and move fast to a new location, it doesn't hurt to trick them by throwing the smoke not where your going but somewhere near in a different direction to trick them to think your heading that way.

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