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EVERYTHING with one man army noobtube and claymore camping DOES work and for new players its ok to give it a try but after prestiging several times do not keep doing it you should be good enough to not have to. I am guilty of one many army noob tube with danger close but sometimes it takes the fun out of it for everyone else so don't do it if you are not new, i myself dont do it anymore. From July 11th 2010 on i will be posting For more skilled players, not the people who get nukes and chopper gunners and ac-130's every match but i will be posting for people who get harriers but not often and would like to improve, if your not there yet then enter the chatroom and i can help.
1 on 1 challenges are no longer being accepted. Practice/goofing off and tutoring ARE being accepted at this time.
Click here to be taken to the modern warfare 2 chatroom There will be videos posted below the chat box.
(i will not be in the chat at unreasonable hours)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Special ops ECHO

ECHO - Play on veteran
The 1st breach is quick and easy, i suggest the 1st door. Nor after the breach theres a small delay then several guards come from on the other side of the fence, no problem just 1 frag, 1 stun then shoot who doesn't die. Walk to the left not right because you want to keep your distance here, look up the stairs theres usually a few people up their stay back and kill, go up the stairs then once you make it to the top and people start coming run back to the beginning fast, next to where you started is an AT-4 pick it up and wait, when the helicopter is coming come out of cover long enough for him to see you and shoot but not long enough to kill you, once he stops shooting you have like 3 seconds to aim and shoot, you get one shot, 2 if you find the other, so make it count, once you destroy it slowly advance because people will have followed you down the stairs, kill them and work back up, once you get there to where you were before advance straight then right, keep an eye out for people to kill, take the intervention, or if your feeling very very lucky take the other weapon with a thermal scope. Kill the few people around that corner and make sure theres no one down on your level, advance up then as soon as you reach the top come right back down and wait for a few people to follow, they may or may not come, then once you kill them go back up slowly and snipe the people through the smoke with your thermal, keep in mind they to have thermal, after you kill everyone straight ahead move to the left and kill them, then before you go as far left as you can get prone and try to snipe through the small holes in the metal because theres one sniper to the far left who will kill you in 2 shots and will take those shots very very fast, hes hit me probably 29 of 30 shots hes very good once you take him out and everyone is dead and you can breach the final door, i suggest the door on the right. Keep in mind theres several barrels of explosives and c4 so be a careful shot, only breach with a weapon other then sniper, shotgun and rocket luncher, theres way more guys in this room then the first so kill the guy to the right who will knife you then just aim and shoot carefully and quickly. This part is a pain to fail at because once the room is clear you win. Good luck this is hard.

High Explosive:
This is not impossible just the hardest mission in the game. You will be abusing a tactic in this game i don't believe was meant to be in it. Use the Grenade luncher or rpg and kill the 1st 2 Juggernauts, after this go back to where you started and lay 2 claymores one on the left hidden to where he wont see it but will hit it and one in the middle building, hide resupply on ammo every chance you get you will need it. Hide behind the green car so you can see straight through the window for any that come, hit them with a grenade luncher, they should stop moving and start shooting but not at you, now that their not moving kill them with the grenade luncher or rpg but do not kill yourself with the rpg, once their both dead resupply on ammo asap and relay the claymores if needed then go back behind the car and do it again, for some reason when you hit them from back they they are just clueless on where you are and wont move, this will take time and practice, they will come 1 then 1 then 2 then 2 then 3 then 3, but if you don't kill both or all 3 then one will still come but there will be a few second delay giving you time to kill the others or resupply, theres not much to say here but this seemed to be the best way, this is by far the hardest mission in the game. Good luck

Armor Piercing:
This one is easier then high explosive even though your killing more Juggernauts. sometimes they spawn slightly different areas but heres what you should do, pick up the Barret 50 cal at the beginning, You will use it to get every kill, being a sniper it can be an easy 5 hit kill. slowly advance up through the building and to the area where you start at the beginning of wetwork, then go one floor up, lay a claymore at the top of the stairs and stay in the back, knock a few boxes over that may get in the way they will go away after a minute, then stand there and snipe them, be careful sometimes at long range they will hit you but remember 5 shots and every time your hit them they may stumble making this easier. If someone sets off your claymore and your in the middle of a kill finish that kill within 3 seconds then reload and go to the Juggernaut who set off your claymore and just keep shooting as soon as you turn the corner, don't aim with the sniper just shoot as fast as you can, and keep walking to him, you will kill him. Relay a claymore, reload and keep doing that, if they get close then do the same thing you did with the Juggernaut on the stairs. Easy 15 kills. good luck.

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